Archibald Thorburn (31 May 1860 - 9 October 1935 Hascombe, Surrey) was a Scottish artist and bird illustrator, painting mostly in watercolour. He regularly visited Scotland to sketch birds in the wild, his favourite haunt being the Forest of Gaick near Kingussie in Invernesshire. His widely reproduced images of British wildlife, with their evocative and dramatic backgrounds, are enjoyed as much today as they were by sportsmen and birdlovers of a century ago.
Life and work
Archibald was born at Viewfield House, Lasswade, Midlothian, the fifth son of Robert Thorburn (1818–1885), portrait miniaturist to Queen Victoria. His first education was at Dalkeith and in Edinburgh, after which he was sent to the newly founded St John&s Wood School of Art in London. His stay there was only brief, since on the death of his father he sought the guidance of Joseph Wolf. It was his commission in 1887 to illustrate Lord Lilford&s Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Isles, for which he painted some 268 watercolours, that established his reputation. He illustrated numerous sporting and natural history books, including his own. He taught Otto Murray Dixon and Philip Rickman (both in Nature in Art&s collection), and he encouraged the young Donald Watson when he came to visit him in Dumfries and Galloway. Thorburn was friends of other eminent bird illustrators including George Edward Lodge and John Guille Millais with whom he collaborated on a number of works including: Natural History of British Feeding Ducks; British Diving Ducks and British Game Birds.
His paintings were regularly exhibited at the Royal Academy and he designed their first Christmas card for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in 1899, a practice that he continued until 1935. He was Vice-President of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. In the 1890s Thorburn became disheartened by the British Institution and had his work shown at A. Baird Carter of 70 Jermyn Street.
On his marriage to Constance Mudie, Thorburn moved to High Leybourne in Hascombe in 1902, where he was to spend the rest of his life. In the 1930s he refused to make use of electric lighting, preferring natural light for his painting, and making use of lamps and candles. His grave is at St John the Baptist church in Busbridge, Godalming.
(1)Cock Grouse, 1893, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(2)English Partridge In Flight, 1898, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(3)Woodcock Among the Dunes, 1898, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(4)Magpies, 1905, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(5)Pintail, Teal And Wigeon, On The Seashore, 1906, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(6)Woodcock Nesting On A Beach, 1910, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(7)Common Eider Ducks, 1912, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(8)Red Partridges, 1913, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(9)A Golden Eagle, 1916, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(10)Red Grouse On The Moor, 1917. Naturalism.

(11)Dormice, 1919, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(12)Bluetits On A Teasel, 1922, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(13)Buffel Headed Duck American Green Winged Teal And Hooded Merganser, 1922, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(14)Great bustards, 1925, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(15)Cock and Hen Pheasant at the Edge of a Wood, 1926, Private Collection. Naturalism.

Original Size
(16)Cock and Hen Pheasant in Winter, 1926, Private Collection. Naturalism.

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(17)Ptarmigan Calling in the Snow, 1926, Private Collection. Naturalism.

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(18)A Woodcock, 1927, Private Collection. Naturalism.

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(19)Autumn Covert, 1927, Private Collection. Naturalism.

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(20)Ptarmigan Seeking Shelter, 1927, Private Collection. Naturalism.

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(21)Red Grouse Packing, 1927, Private Collection. Naturalism.

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(22)Cock and hen pheasant in the undergrowth, 1927. Naturalism.

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(23)A Cock Pheasant, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(24)A Nepalese black headed nun in the branch of a tree, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(25)Study of sandpipers, cream coloured coursers and other birds, Private Collection. Naturalism.

(26)Great Northern Diver. Naturalism.

Original Size
(27)Caspian Plover. Naturalism.

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(28)Velvet Scoter. Naturalism.

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(29)Bewick&s swan, 1935.

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(30)Blackcocks at the Lek, 1901.

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(31)Blackgame, 1928.

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(32)Danger aloft – Ptarmigan, 1927.

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(33)Dormice, 1903.

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(34)English partridge with gorse and thistles, 1935.

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(35)French partridge and chicks, 1915.

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(36)Greylag goose, 1935.

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(37)Hungry and homeless, 1908.

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(38)Little Owl and Scops Owl, 1925.

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(39)Moorland landscape, 1897.

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(40)Not for the larder, 1904.

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(41)On the stooks - Blackgame, 1902.

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(42)Peacock, 1935.

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(43)Pheasants, 1918.

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(44)The Covey at Daybreak, 1935.

(45)Spotted Flycatchers, 1935.

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(46)Still life of a pair of Blackgame, 1896.

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(47)Surf-Scoter, 1935.

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(48)The Challenge, 1917.

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(49)Warbler and Wrens, 1913.

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(50)Wigeon and Teal by the water&s edge, 1906.

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(51)Winter landscape with mallard, 1935.

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(52)Winter Woodcock, 1916.

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(53)Woodcock in a sandy hollow, 1935

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(54)Pair of Golden Eagles, 1899.

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(55)Peacock and Peacock Butterfly, 1917.

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(56)Argusianus argus grayi, 1918.

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(57)Melanitta nigra, 1902.

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(58)Syrrhaptes paradoxus, 1902.

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(59)Western Tragopan, 1918-1922.

(60)The Great Auk surrounded by its true relatives.